Sweet Kid School Initiative: Type 1 Diabetes awareness & prevention program

Type-1 Diabetes, also known as Children’s Diabetes, is a costly disease that requires regular medication to live a healthy life. UWAD aims to provide medicines, nutrition, glucose testing kits, and health education to children from disadvantaged tribal areas and poor families. The current goal of this program is to enable them to become confident and healthy individuals who can participate in mainstream society.

The challenge that faces is that diabetes medication is expensive. Many children may drop out of school or stop taking their medication due to their family’s poor financial condition. To address this challenge, UWAD provides life-saving medicines, testing kits, and health education for diabetic children in tribal areas where medical facilities are unavailable or families cannot afford medicines.

UWAD ensures that diabetic children can access a full month’s supply of medicines, a sugar testing kit, and professional doctors to educate them about disease management and prevention. The long-term impact of UWAD’s efforts is that more children from remote areas will have access to health education, nutrition, and recreation, enabling them to experience childhood and support their overall development, including completing their education.
Theme: – Children Health & Nutrition
Partner Agency: – Varitas
Direct Beneficiaries: – 165+
Indirect Beneficiaries: – 1500+
Location :- Odisha, Chattishgad, Maharastra

United World Against Diabetes (UWAD)

Silver Plaza#1, Fatima Nagar,Wanwadi, Pune, Maharashtra 411013.

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